Monday, 27 February 2017

Major project #9 artist research3

Artist research : Roy Linchtenstein

To study about designing main character, I have to do artist research more.

picture from the book 'The art of instructional design'

when I looked this picture, I could use this style on main character.
It made me remind the artist 'Roy Linchtenstein'. so I searched his work for study of illustration.

Roy Linchtenstein is one of popular pop artist.
Actually, I don't even know his name, I could recognise his work because it is really famous.

when I saw his works at the first time, It's like standing between artistic area and commercial area.
He interested in comic books since he was young. that interest lead to create pop art.
His works show the bold outlines, the ben-day dots, bright and catchy colours.
The bold outlines give image a strong look to it. Also it makes the piece look cartoon style dramatically.
The ben-day dots created by illustrator Banjamin Day is similar to pointillism.
The ben-day dots are group of equal size dots in specific area.

There are direct quotation from this site.(address)

Lichtenstein said, was what he was exploring: "The colour range I use is perfect for the idea, which has always been about vulgarisation." The Ben-Day dots, too, were meant to suggest the manufactured and simulated: "The dots I use to make the image ersatz. And I think the dots also may mean data transmission." The work is "supposed to look like a fake, and it achieves that, I think," he explained.

I looked this artist as an aspect of technique. I would like to use the ben-day dots and bold line.
Because instructional design also use cartoon style illustration to explain method clearly.
I will try and practice on my character design.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Major project #8 Develop idea

Develop idea


(source from Pinterest and Google)


After some artist research and tutorial with zoe, I had struggled with main theme of my instruction.
However, I found that there are various warning signs on the road. It was 'Do Not' signs. I thought these signs can lead to my project. Then, I started to think these sign in another way because I want to put some funny things in the instruction. finally, I chose the theme that is called 'Why NOT' instruction.

'Why Not' instruction will be divide 2 types of concept. Each concept have 5 series.
One is 'Why Not' instruction series adding unrealistic story for children.
Most of story will talk that
The main character does not follow 'Do not' sign. the instruction will show what things happen when character does not follow 'Do not' signs with fantastical elements such as monster.
Ironically, the aim of this instruction seems that is why we have to follow these signs.
This instruction will be used by cartoon style series of illustration.

Another one is closer to original meaning of 'Why Not' than first concept.
Second concept shows 'why not' instruction for making exciting life.
I will made instruction encourage people break small rules of combining two different signs.
or by just looking my instruction, people could have a fun.   
Second concept will be created different style unlike first concept instruction.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Major project #7 major plan

major project plan

Now, I have only  3 weeks to complete my project.
I thought I need to handle my time carefully.
Therefore, I made major plan to spend time more effective.

After doing my work as planned on week 7, I will put more details for next week.
This plan can be flexible in dealing with a situations.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Major project #6 make your own logo 2

make own logo 2

after practice making logo by GraphicSprings, I made a mind map to expand the idea.

when you make own logo first time, using characters of a name could be one of an effective way to make it.
I looked at my name to use making a logo. I thought about characteristic as well.
I want to put not only my name but also characters of mine such as I like to observe many things when I take a walk.
After made mind map, I started thinking about how to connect words and icon.

This is my initial sketch of making a logo. I tried to make a various version of the logo, then I got feedback from friends.
finally, I chose one design of that. Then, I did research the vintage colour palette.

I found these palettes from pinterest. I would test these colour on my logo.


I used Micro office Powerpoint for making a logo.
Firstly, I chose half round shape to reveal letter 'D'. Then, I made letter 'o' by using round shape.
And, I combined together same as my initial idea.

After making logo shape, I tried to change the colours.
when I looked initial logo that I made, I felt like there was something missing.
Therefore, I put round shape more, and it looks like the eyes. so, I relocated two round shapes diagonally in the big round.

 Finally, I got own logo shape. then, I tried put my nickname under the logo.
I test two version locating nickname. I chose second one to final logo.

To use vintage colour palette, I opened photoshop.
By using eyedropper tool, I changed body shape colour easily.

Also, I put black colour for adding a logo to my instructions.

Finally, I got my logo for using to this projects.

It was my completed logo image. In the last term, I created logo before.
But I like this logo more than the last one because, at that time, I spent only few time to make it.
I think this logo looks more connect with me and what I want to represent.
I will put this logo on my website and my instruction series.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Major project #5 artist research 2

Artist Research 2

Safe Baby Handling Tips by David and Kelly Sopp

This instruction is about do's and don'ts" on baby care for new parents.
 They made manual hilarious way. Thank for this witty manual, parents could make sure caring their baby.
 It can makes me never forget it. 

now, let's look this design through details.

style: use few colours such as Black, white, red and pink.
only use key word to give dramatic effects.
clear illustration and recognizable shape and font.
I could learn about layout form and unity of style from this work.
I will think about font and a plan of layout illustrations.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Major project #4 make your own logo 1

make own logo 1


before design my own logo, I would like to look at some example of logos.
It means not search the recognizable logos that many people know such as Nike, Apple, Starbucks and Chanel.
I just want to look the shape and inspiration of it. Then , I found logo design website.
and I followed the process to make own logo.

This is a website called 'GraphicSpring'.
GraphicSprings homepage (

I started creating my logo by using this tool.

Firstly, I wrote my temporary logo name in the box.

Then, I selected logo image in this many categories.

Finally, I got my own template of logo. It was really easy and quick.
In addition, I got some ideas from example of logo images.
I am going to make my logo title and start designing logo image.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Major project #3 artist research 1

artist research 1

Ed Harrington: Ikea Instruction

Illustrator Ed Harrington has made a series of IKEA-style instructions on how to build your favourite horror movie villain.

I have saw many series of IKEA instructions but this instruction is really brilliant and funny art work.
That had instructional graphic ideas and black & white mode made work more clearly.
If Harrington did not use IKEA instruction figure, instructions would look less interesting.
Additionally, I really liked the theme of works. illustrating famous horror movie characters makes people remind movies and understand processes joyfully.
Normally, people make instructions for real activities such as safety card, furniture instruction, cooking and exercise.
I would like to make funny instruction like his work.

Major project #2 Tutorial

Tutorial with Zoe

I got tutorial with Zoe to make sure my idea for project.

Zoe gave me several example of graphic instruction. I will check these websites.
Through tutorial, I chose the number of final pieces. I am going to make 5 instruction pieces.
I am still thinking about clear theme(story) of the project.
To get more ideas, I will start artist research and make a plan detail.

term 2) Major project #1 initial idea

Major Project #1 initial idea

After starting second term,
I need to start new project of art portfolio class.

The starting point of my project was safety card of Ryan Air.
When I was going to Spain last vacation, I saw this safety instruction at that time.
It was interesting because I can understood this guide although the card has used only few words.
so this kind of instruction did not have limit of languages.
In addition, the illustrating was simple and more graphic form.
Therefore, I could use this form for my work related my progression route.

However, I don't make serious things such as safety card or product instruction.
I would like to add little funny situations to my instruction series.
For example, how to survive from zombie land or how to spend waiting time for boarding a plane in the airport.
Before make my instruction series, I need enough research of it first.