Monday, 13 March 2017

Major project #17 Process of series 2.3

Process of series 2.3

The last part of series 2

Here is storyboard of final work of instruction 2.
I used two signs : Do not use ladder, no running

In this posting, I would like to show how to make signs.

 First of all, I need to make the red shape. I used ellipse and rectangular shape tool. 

 then, I put text box.

And i put pictogram that I download from Noun project(

 I did sketch at first.

 This cut showed the detail how to illustrate the character. 

 I tried to put emotion on his face.

 one of feature of instructional design was sequence. 
I would like to use that effect on my instruction series.
so I put a dotted line on the middle movement. 
Moreover, i added the arrow to make movement look clear.

 Removed the sketch line, and put the number on the top of frames.

Finally, I got last piece of 'Why not' instruction 2.

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